Occulta Navis
We've now brought Occult Navis' journey to an end. We've had a great time, but we need to hibernate until we're ready to come back again. Thanks, and thanks for all the fish.
We're an EVE Online exploration corporation based out of our own C2 wormhole, which operates as a Freeport. Our primary focus is to offer a platform on which new and veteran players can safely and confidently develop their exploration skills as well as their solo and small gang PvP abilities, and more.
Our C2 system is co-owned by Occulta Navis and Ronin ONE, an elite PvP corporation. Occulta Navis provides the learning environment, materials, and support; Ronin ONE provides the military and manages the system's Player Owned Customs Offices (POCOs.)
If you'd like to operate in the most hostile part of space EVE has to offer - wormholes - then join us on Discord. We'd love to meet you.
Are you just looking for our tools? If so, you can find convenient links below:
Our purpose
Exploration is traditionally a solo activity, but how does one learn to explore whilst flying alone? EVE Online is a deep, complex game, with many mechanics to learn. Trying to do this alone is a good way to burn out fast and simply quit the game.
Overcoming this problem is Occulta Navis' purpose in EVE.
We provide a base of operations in the the most hostile, barren environment there is: a wormhole. Believe it or not, but this is the perfect place to learn to play EVE Online, despite what anyone else tells you.
You learn, very quickly, how-to:
Fly safer and with a healthy amount of paranoia;
Use (shared) bookmarks to your advantage;
Avoid wormhole and gate camps easier and more often;
Use (jump) clones to navigate the galaxy near instantly;
Fit and utilise your ships to maximise results;
Haul goods to and from locations all over the galaxy;
Utilise Planetary Interaction to make a passive income;
Do more in EVE Online.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, then join our Discord and come have a chat with us.

Our wormhole
Our C2 wormhole is J161628
. In it, we have an Athanor with a Moon Drill. Our system has a C1 and HS static (and technically a second HS static via the C1.) We have decent PI, including a Plasma planet.We consider and treat our system and Athanor like a Freeport: anyone can dock in it and use, provided they play nice with others in the system.If you'd like to pay us a visit, then join our Discord and ask for the current, direct high-security connection to our system.

Occulta Navis. EVE materials logos and materials the property of CCP.